Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I knew this wasn't going to be easy.

This weekend reminded me of why I liked having our Jeep.

We went up to the cabin in the Uinta's and really enjoyed it up there. It rained, the sun shined, the wind blew, we saw the most amazing display of stars and the milky way that I have ever seen, but then Sunday morning came and I felt rushed that we had to hurry and get things cooked, and cleaned, and packed so that we could get the car back in time. Plus we had to give ourselves extra time to clean it since it was the first trip that SUV had probably ever made off pavement. Then I started thinking, hmmm...we really used to do more hiking, take the dogs places, and just go more places in general before we got rid of the jeep. What will happen when it starts snowing and we want to take the dogs snowshoeing or skiing, or whatever? It is gonna get pretty damn expensive to 'rent' a car each time we want to do something.

Not saying that I want to go out and buy another SUV or truck right away, but it makes me wonder where the middle ground is. If we were just 'city people' who didn't really enjoy hiking and camping and playing outdoors then being totally car-free would be soooo much easier. But we have 2 big dogs (kids can go on public transit, dogs can't) which makes doing any outdoor stuff a big ol' pain in the ass for the most part.

Hopefully happier thoughts for the next post...

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