Tuesday, September 8, 2009

1 week car-free

So we have made it through our first week without our beloved Beep. Here is what our postage size stamp apartment looks like now: (actually it has looked like this for awhile, but now that we are using our bikes more we had to make them a bit more accessible, my mtn. bike isn't even in this shot)...
Winter should be interesting, although I don't really want to think about that just yet...I'll wait to worry about it when it gets here.
As for now things are going good, haven't changed too much from before but a few things do take a bit more planning (laundry, groceries, etc). I think we put at least 25-30 miles in this weekend on foot (including Monday) hiking, biking, and just walking all over the place so hopefully it'll start so show on my belly ;) 
S'all for now...

1 comment:

  1. I adore this pic, Carla! True loves: bikes and doggies. Sure am enjoying your blog. Thinking of moving to Portland with Zed after I graduate...we'll be car-free! So it is very nice to follow how you two are doing. Keep up the good work!
    Reb Huggins
