If money isn't an issue for not owning a car; what about all the time lost while driving one? This is why I don't particurly like driving. I could be doing a whole lot of other more useful things. In fact when I lived farther away from work I got a good nap in while on the bus. The trick is to set an alarm or something so you don't miss your stop!
Currently, we still own a car. We are at a point that we finally owe less than what we can probably sell it for. I think we would have sold it a long time ago if it wasn't for the fact that we bought our jeep new with a nice 8 year payment plan... Thankfully we started to pay extra on him ( Beep is the name of our jeep ) a while back.
I always thought when we bought Beep, we wouldn't ever buy another vehicle again. Of course this is usually the plan when you buy something, no? I also wanted a new car. Something that I could say how each dent and scratch came to be on it.
We later realized that our choice of a vehicle was perhaps not the wisest. It did fit our outdoor activities lifestyle; plenty of room for two big dogs in the back. A bike rack so we can take trips down to Moab and do some biking. Four wheel drive so we can get where we want to be. It came in useful one time after parking in a snowed in parking lot in millcreek canyon.
So, in short, owning a vehicle has it's upside as well as it's downside. I think we are ready to experience getting around using our bikes, public transit, ucareshare, and our own two feet.

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