Thursday, November 19, 2009


There is very little daylight left by the time Jake and I make it home from work, often times it is dark by the time we come home. I've noticed that we have made the dog walks shorter (plus it has been REALLY cold for the past week or so) and we aren't doing anything outside after work like we used to. Not having a car makes this a bit harder, last year at this time we were going to the gym (driving to the gym that is) pretty faithfully but now we can't get motivated to walk or bike both ways in the we sit at home and get more outta shape. It was our plan to go to the gym tonight- but it is now 8:10 PM, totally dark outside, and I'm not feeling remotely like I want to bike or walk those 7 blocks there (let alone having to walk back after a work-out).

I can't wait till the days get longer.

I stopped by the grocery store on my way home from work today and ended up with 2 fairly heavy paper bags full of groceries. By the time I got home it felt like my arms and hands were gonna fall off! The store is only about 4-5 blocks from our place but when you are carrying some heavy things it feels a whole lot further...

Well, that's about all that I have to add for now, things are going on pretty uneventfully in the car-free area. We ride our bikes (well, just Jake is riding his bike nowdays), walk, take the bus or train, and bum rides off family and friends as needed...otherwise life is pretty much as usual.